The phrase, “In his spirit” here is not referring to the Holy Spirit but to Jesus’ own human spirit (ESV). Not only was Jesus deeply moved, but John says that He was deeply moved in His spirit when He witnessed the palpable grief around Him. As their friends came out and started to cry with Mary, it says that Jesus was deeply moved. Mary went out and met Jesus, and, in her grieving process, started bargaining with Jesus that if He had been there, her brother would still be alive.

When Lazarus died and had been in his tomb for four days ( John 11:17), Jesus came to see His friends. Jesus loved Martha, Mary, and Lazarus ( John 11:5). Have encouragement delivered straight to your inbox! 'Jesus Wept' Meaning and Origin
We are able to see His personal relationships on full display with the death of his friend, Lazarus, and what this means for us, as friends of Jesus, who also experience the reality of death. This is a full-blown picture of Jesus’ human emotions that are combined with His divine knowledge and power. This is something to remember when reading a passage like this. Jesus experienced all that as both man and God. You’ve shared countless inside jokes, similar interests, hobbies - you’ve shared secrets, vulnerabilities, heartbreaks, joys, etc. Think about your friendships - from the moment when you first met to now (how many years since you’ve known each other). He had deep relationships with the people around Him, whom He spent and lived with for three-plus years. Of course, the gospel writers definitely highlighted His ministry in that dynamic to reveal His teachings and miracles as the prophesied Messiah, but under all that, He had friends. It can be easy to slip into reading Jesus as a higher being (which of course, He was, He’s God!), who was so set apart from those around Him - that His relationships were strictly of a leader-follower dynamic. I think when we read the gospels, we tend to forget the human side of Jesus - that He had human relationships throughout His life. "Jesus wept." These are just two little words, but they have an extraordinary meaning for us.